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Моды майнкрафт 1.7 10 на крабов

Oceancraft Mod 1.13 makes the ocean biome in Minecraft a lot better, it provides life within the there and round. Honestly, the mod contains 11 model new mobs! It virtually entirely overhauls the ocean in Minecraft. It makes them far more practical and also provides new blocks and new gadgets! Proper off the bat, you’ll discover that the darkness is overwhelming. It makes touring by water entirely completely different, and even probably harmful. However that’s not every little thing, there is also a stunning world era, like pillar huts with seaside villagers in there, or oyster on the backside of the oceans, seaweed, and far more. I like to recommend everybody right here to obtain the OceanCraft Mod for Minecraft 1.13 and 1.12.2!

Have you ever all the time wished to actually see the fish in Minecraft, or dive to the underside of the ocean looking for historical shipwrecks, the Oceancraft mod for Minecraft provides life to the empty ocean of Minecraft, there’s loads of ocean to find with the Oceancraft mod, you can even keep on the stable floor and commerce with the seashore villagers of their primitive huts, or tame a king crab and uncover the attractive oceans and seashores, it’s all potential if you simply hit that obtain button and set up the mod.

Oceancraft Mod Showcase:

Oceancraft Mod 1.13 Setup

  1. Ensure you have already downloaded and install the mod loader.
  2. Download the mod on this web page.
  3. Find the Minecraft directory folder (.minecraft).
  4. Place the mod file you downloaded; you will have only drop (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  5. While you launch Minecraft and click on the mods button you need to see now the mod is put in.
  6. Make sure to select Forge profile in the launcher.

Download Oceancraft Mod

The download links that are below are protected and safe to download. We be sure that there isn"t any viruses or malwares within the links we offer. We additionally know that Minecraft gamers usually search for the newest updates of Minecraft downloads. If a version of Oceancraft Mod that you want isn"t listed below, leave us a comment to let us know about it.

Seems to be an interesting mod by adding life in the oceans and make the much better in you Minecraft world. Download this mod and you will enjoy 10 brand new mobs for the ocean and around.

The oceans might have never been the strong suit and power point in Minecraft, but the wants to remove all the hassle and problems, instead it wants to offer a fresh and new perspective towards the entire experience. What the Ocean Craft does is that it helps you get a very good experience and at the same time it offers an ocean world that is great looking, refined and with a great potential to begin with.

This mod is definitely interesting for those that found the ocean life and look stale. Until this point, there wasn’t a specific great thing about the oceans in Minecraft and honestly that is really unfortunate.

Thankfully, all of that changes with the OceanCraft Mod Minecraft because this does deliver a great insight into the ocean life, with the mod offering a to begin with. From fish to turtles and so on, there are quite a lot of animals that you can check out here and all of them look simply stunning. Some of the animals can be found deep underwater and that can be both scary and exciting at the same time, that’s for sure. Of course, the cool thing about the mod is that it always manages to impress and it does bring in front a true set of great experiences. The variety of this mod and the great look that it has does allow you to boost your experience and take it to new heights.

If you do go underwater you won’t be able to stay there long but the mod does offer you a great way to enjoy your time while you are there. The world you can find at that location is visually impressive, the experience of visiting the depths is stunning and as a whole there’s just a ton of cool value here. It’s maybe the most interesting and fun way to discover the depths of the ocean. For someone that loves the ocean, the mod is definitely a no brainer, but aside from animals it also adds plants as well so even those that want more plants in the game will be happy.

You will find the mod as being a great mix of visuals and a stellar way to boost the way the ocean looks and feels. It’s a tad different than the original and in a very good way for sure.



Cannibals spawns in pillar huts at the beach

Seagulls spawns in almost every cold/normal biome

Crabs spawns at the beach

Kingcrabs spawns at the beach and stonebeach

Fish spawns in ocean rivers and deep ocean

Mantarays spawns in ocean rivers and deep ocean

Orca’s spawns in ocean deep ocean and frozen ocean

Seaturtles spawns in ocean and deep ocean

Sharks spawns in ocean and deep ocean

Whales spawns in ocean and deep ocean

Anglerfish spawns in deep ocean at the bottom


Items & Armor

World Generations

a tropical hut from the cannibals spawns in beach

this is the inside of the hut, a spawner with a chest

these colorfull shells spawns in beach biome

quicksand spawns on beach too! Remember: Don’t walk on it!

Mod Showcase

Crafting & Melting Recipes

Мод Jaws and Megolodon для Minecraft PE – это уникальный в своем роде , который добавит необычных мобов в игру – это жители подводного мира, настоящие убийцы и хищники, которые являются самыми жестокими насильниками всего живого.

Речь идет об акуле, которая стала заменой стражу – он очень свирепый, и будет лучше не попадаться ему на глаза, так как вода – это его дом, стихия, у Вас не будет шансов выжить. Обычно они спавнятся возле водоемов, которые расположились около различных подводных крепостей.

Как только эта хищная рыба увидит Вас, то сразу бегите или уплывайте, иначе она стремительно будет сокращать расстояние между Вами, а дальше от Вас ничего не останется.

Ниже будут приведены подробные характеристики и возможности этой акулы:

Она является заменой стражи, то есть больше этого моба не будет;
- его здоровье составляет 7,5 единиц, что вполне практически хватает наравне сражаться вместе с вами;
- наносит урон в размере пяти единиц, ну и кормятся они рыбой, для того, чтобы становиться больше и еще опаснее;

На этом еще не все, есть еще один моб – это вымерший вид, которого больше на планете Земля не существует. Это самая огромная акула, из всех существовавших, и Вы наверняка хоть раз слышали о ней – это Мегалодон. Самый опасный и огромный монстр, иначе его никак не назовешь. Он в три с половиной раза больше той акулы, о которой было написано выше.

Мегалодон заменит собой древнего стража, будет наносить дамаг в размере 6-ти единиц и иметь запас здоровья до 13 сердец.

Будьте осторожны, для начала исследуйте ближайшие местности с водоемами. Хотя с другой стороны – это может вызвать огромный интерес к игре, ведь после установки Jaws and Megolodon для у Вас будет постоянный страх и опасение за свою жизнь, что выработает у Вас реакцию и максимальную внимательность во время плавания.

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