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Profession portrait Welder - Project “Choice - Profession - Success. Occupation welder Occupation welder

09.01.19 34 453 73

Demanded in construction and oil and gas companies

My husband is a welder. For three years he worked as a welder on a rotational basis in the Far North, and now he works part-time in his village.

Lada Pozdeeva

welder's wife

It is not difficult for a man with such a profession to find work in the countryside, in the city and on the watch. I’ll tell you how much welders earn, how much their equipment and equipment cost, and what they do in the endless tundra.

What does a welder do

The welder is engaged in electric or gas welding. During electric welding, it heats metals with the help of a welding machine and a thin metal rod - an electrode. The welder touches the metal with an electrode, because of electricity, the metals melt, seams remain at the joints.

Gas welding is welding using oxygen, combustible gas and a welding torch. The edges of the parts are heated by the flame. Gas welding is often used to join cast iron parts. Its disadvantage is that metals heat up for a long time.

A welder is needed at a construction site to connect metal structures and parts, often he is needed in factories where they work with metals. Welders work on the construction of bridges, road junctions and tunnels. Welders also work at agricultural and electrical installation enterprises, shipyards, ports, and in the field of aircraft construction. They are taken to auto repair shops, heating systems and housing and communal services. Welding is required even by advertising agencies and art forging studios.

A welder is hired into the staff of an enterprise according to the labor code for an eight-hour working day or is called on shifts: monthly or two-monthly. Also, the welder can work for himself.

It is unacceptable for a welder to produce defective products, he is responsible for the quality of each seam. If he welds the gas pipe poorly, then an accident will occur that will take the lives of people.

The hardest part of the job is welding when it's too hot or too cold.

Security and equipment

If the welder does not follow the safety rules when working with current or gas, this can lead to death. It is dangerous to weld in the rain or in wet weather with wet hands or feet. The danger arises if the welder works with combustible gases. When working with them, gas cylinders should not be allowed to fall, foreign substances, oils to get on them: this leads to explosions. The welder can also get burned or injure his eyes from the bright light. Therefore, special equipment is needed for welding.

If a welder works at the enterprise permanently, he receives free of charge overalls, shoes and leggings - mittens made of dense fabric. This also applies to shift workers. Self-employed welders buy these things. For clothing, you will need a jacket and pants or overalls made of fire-retardant canvas fabric.

It is not necessary for an employee to purchase a welding machine - they will be issued at the enterprise. My husband bought a welding machine to earn extra money in the village, he does not carry the machine on shifts. Anatoly chose a light device of low power. It is important that the device is connected to a 220 volt outlet.

My husband also bought a grinder to cut metal and make metal products at home. for himself and his relatives, he cooks sauna stoves, snowmobile sledges and equipment.

Welder equipment and protective equipment - 28 300 R

Welding machine

10 000 R


7000 R

Discs for the grinder

5000 R

2000 R

Holder for electrodes

1500 R

1000 R

Electrodes, 3 packs

900 R

600 R

300 R


Anatoly became a welder following the example of his uncle. Welders study at a school or technical school. Anatoly received a crust on courses at a school in the city of Pechora. Without this certificate, it is difficult to get a job.

After graduation, Anatoly spent six months on probation at the enterprise. For the first month, he, as a novice, was not trusted with responsible work and was paid less than experienced colleagues.

After the internship, he decided to go on shift to earn more. Welders are looking for work on Avito, in groups on Vkontakte and in the database of vacancies in welding production. For three weeks of searching, Anatoly managed to find a vacancy through acquaintances. He was accepted to an enterprise in the city of Usinsk, Komi Republic. They took him because he worked as an intern and already had basic skills.

Before going to work, the husband underwent a medical examination at the expense of the company. This is a mandatory requirement for oil industry workers in the North. Welders go through doctors because sometimes they work on a shift in the tundra. If at such a moment the tooth hurts, because of this, a helicopter with medical assistance will not be called.


Watches. On shifts in the Komi Republic, a welder earns 1500-3000 R in a day. Income depends on the degree of difficulty of the work. Usually a person works for one month and rests for one month, so the final salary is divided into two. At first, Anatoly received 30,000 R for a shift, and 15,000 R per month. Travel from the place of work to the house and back was paid by the organization. Seven months later, Anatoly's salary increased to 40 thousand per watch.

Sometimes in ads they write salaries of 150 thousand rubles, and then they specify that this is a salary for one and a half to two months of shift.

40 000 R

gets my husband for the watch

Full time job. In my region, at the enterprises of Syktyvkar and Usinsk, full-time welders receive 35-50 thousand rubles a month. Moreover, some welders go to Usinsk on a shift, while others work there constantly, on an eight-hour working day. It depends on the company. Beyond Usinsk, the tundra begins, and they work there only on a rotational basis.

Self employed welder. Since 2014, Anatoly has been working part-time as a welder on private orders once every one and a half to two months. Cooking products is no longer his main job, but an additional income. On part-time jobs, he receives money for the entire order or for each centimeter of welded seams.

A familiar entrepreneur can call for welding to weld parts of agricultural machinery or mechanisms: tractors, machines. Sometimes, through word of mouth, Anatolia receives orders from other organizations and private traders. Anatoly cooks stoves, boat bottoms, tractor knives, pipes, heating systems. Husband earns 500-1700 R per day, comes out on average from 5 to 17 thousand rubles per order. Anatoly fulfills large orders for a week or more. Some fellow villagers pay him by barter: gasoline or fish.

Customers did not delay Anatoly's salary, but his acquaintances had this. Some firms do not pay salaries on time, explaining this by a difficult financial situation. Appeal to the courts did not help workers get money. Therefore, Anatoly, before moving to a new position, asks his future colleagues if his salary is being delayed.

Once on a shift, Anatoly received a pay slip for a month worked. It indicated a salary less than last month, although there was more work. Anatoly went to understand the accounting department. There he was told that they had made a mistake, and they would pay extra money. The husband left the accounting department and met colleagues. They reported that the tractor driver received a payslip with the amount of the debt. At the end of the month he worked, he owed the company and also went to sort things out. After this incident, Anatoly did not hesitate to ask questions to his superiors and accountant if the salary seemed small to him.


In order to perform complex work and receive high salaries, welders pass certification, increase their rank and receive a promotion.

Certification confirms the skills of the employee. Such checks are organized by training centers. For example, the certification of the National Welding Control Agency is a practical and theoretical examination. Anatoly passed it twice at his own expense in order to get a job: the first time in 2008 for 13,000 R, and the second time in 2017 for 27,000 R. He paid back the costs of certification in one month of work.

Level increase. Even in training centers, welders increase their ranks. With an increase in the rank, the salary automatically increases. After courses at the school, Anatoly received the third category. Then he raised the rank twice - up to the fourth and fifth. The highest rank is the sixth.

Further growth. To climb the career ladder, you need to get a technical education, such as construction. Then welders are promoted to foremen, foremen and flaw detectorists.

Difficulties of the profession

When Anatoly worked on a rotational basis, he was taken to the tundra. The further north the object was, the more difficult it was for people to endure climatic conditions. In order not to freeze, welders dress warmly and eat tightly.

Welders experience a lot of eye strain. Once Anatoly did not have time to check the glass for a mask that was given out at work. It was light. The husband felt uncomfortable because of this and spoiled his eyesight, because there were no more free glasses at the facility. He ordered another, but it was delivered after three weeks. Welders constantly inhale dust and smoke: the metal is dirty, stained with lubricants, oil. When cutting and welding such metal, Anatoly puts on a respirator.

Welders need to be able to get along with other people. On shifts, one has to live for weeks in the same trailer with workers from different parts of Russia and from other countries.

Once Anatoly worked on a shift and knew that a picky foreman was working with them. This boss was famous for orders that are difficult to follow. Employees quit because of him. One month Anatoly found out that he needed to work with this foreman on the night shift. Before his first shift, he told him to weld eight structures a night, and three structures were the norm. The foreman also instructed Anatoly not to leave the facility when the shift ended, and to cook until the day welder came and took the handle from the machine from his hands in order to work continuously.

The husband was worried: he realized that he would not fulfill the order of the boss in terms of the number of details. He talked about it with another foreman. He laughed and said to cook calmly. As a result, Anatoly produced four structures overnight, and in the morning the picky boss was satisfied with the results of the work.

Impressions from the profession

Anatoly likes to work as a welder: with each product he acquires new skills and dexterity. Welding is about creating something new, sustainable and durable.

After studying to be a welder, my husband advises to do an internship, and not immediately go on a shift. This will help you gain the skills to complete large orders.

In work, the husband follows the rule: "Cook the product as if you were cooking for yourself." This helps to make strong seams and prevent missteps. Anatoly received such advice from a colleague when he passed the first certification and was worried.

In the future, the husband will continue to earn extra money and go on shifts again. Teach my son how to weld.

I am glad that my husband works as a welder. In the village, this profession is more in demand than, for example, a lawyer or a programmer. It brings additional money to the family budget. With the help of our welding machine, we save: my husband welded a stove in the bath house, repairs equipment.

Worked on the material

Author - Lada Pozdeeva, editor - Alexey Kashnikov, editor-in-chief - Maxim Ilyakhov, photo editor - Anna Makarova, information designer - Zhenya Sofronov, illustrator - Valery thewatt, responsible officer - Anna Lesnykh, production editor - Marina Safonova, proofreader - Alexander Salita, layout designer - Artem Sizov

Welder - a worker, a specialist in welding production.

A welder is a responsible, almost virtuoso profession, on the quality of which many things depend - the durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment.

Welding is used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and other areas, such as energy, oil refining, agriculture. It is difficult to name such a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

A welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: a manual arc welder, a gas welder, an operator of automatic welding machines. Workers of all these specialties are engaged in one thing - the connection of metal structures, complex apparatus, parts, assemblies by the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes, negligence made in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It's scary to think what poor-quality work on welding oil or gas pipelines could lead to. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, the technology of melting metals, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance.

Working conditions:

Works both indoors and outdoors. It is possible to perform work at height and in very uncomfortable and dangerous positions. Great load on the musculoskeletal and visual apparatus. To protect against thermal and light radiation, he uses overalls and a mask (shield) with protective light filters. The mode of operation is mainly two-shift. The pace of work is free. The profession has 1-6 digits.

The advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young specialists who have just graduated from college will not have to look for work for a long time - she finds them herself. Welders without experience are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, into private organizations in the service sector. With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more responsible affairs and work in industry, at construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases.
The disadvantages of the profession are difficult working conditions, work on open construction sites in any weather, a large load on vision due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the high hazard of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding.

Personal qualities:

Physical strength and endurance. Visual acuity and color perception. Flexibility, mobility of arms, legs and whole body. Developed vestibular apparatus. The ability to focus for a long time. Good hand-eye coordination. Spatial imagination and technical thinking. Accuracy. Equilibrium.


You can learn the profession of a welder in vocational schools and colleges. Training is carried out for 3 years on the basis of 9 classes and 2 years on the basis of 11 classes in the specialties "welder of electric welding and gas welding works" and "adjuster of welding and gas plasma cutting equipment".

Medical restrictions:

Cardiovascular diseases. Diseases of the respiratory organs. Disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system (sciatica, osteochondrosis ...). Mental illnesses and disorders of the nervous system. Irritability. Allergic diseases. Severe visual and hearing impairments

Areas of use:

Manufacturing enterprises, factories, laboratories for the development and testing of new production samples, construction.

Welding work is required in almost any production, and there are very few young craftsmen. Therefore, the salaries of welders are high: yesterday's college graduate earns a little, a welder with experience earns more. During the production practice in the third year, students are paid a salary. But even the prospect of getting good money for some reason does not impress the guys who choose more fashionable and at the same time less demanded professions.

The level of salaries, depending on the place of work, is very different; when performing the same order, you can receive completely different money. In the housing and communal sector today, perhaps, the lowest wages, the most generous - the oil and gas industry.

A welder is a metal worker who joins metal parts into complex structures using electric welding.

Currently, the profession of a welder is one of the most sought after in the construction industry. In conditions of shortage of working personnel, these specialists are in a special account, because welding work is required in almost every production, and there are very few young craftsmen.

A welder is a working specialty and involves work in the welding industry. The specialist is engaged in the connection of metal structures, parts, products, containers and pipelines of various types, composition, purpose and level of complexity. The quality of work and welds depends on a professional welder. In his work, mistakes are not allowed that can lead to disastrous consequences. The profession of a welder is divided into several specialties: gas welder, manual arc welder, operator of automatic welding machines.

In their work, welders use electric arc welding or a gas torch. In the first case, an electric arc is used to melt metals, while the temperature at the end of the welding electrode reaches 5,000 degrees Celsius. This exceeds the melting point of all existing metals. In the case of using a gas torch, a flame is formed due to the combustion of a mixture of combustible gas (hydrogen, propane, gasoline, butane, benzene, kerosene) and oxygen. This type of welding is usually used when replacing radiators and pipes in residential premises, due to the absence of sparks during operation

During work, it is very important for welders to observe safety measures and use special masks with tinted glass to protect the face and eyes. Such a mask significantly suppresses the brightness of flames and sparks.

Types of welders:

  • welders on press welding machines;
  • welders at diffusion-welding installations;
  • thermite welders;
  • gas welders;
  • welders on electron-beam welding installations;
  • electric and gas welders.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of electrical engineering, metal melting technology;
  • knowledge of the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation;
  • knowledge of the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used;
  • knowledge of labor protection and safety instructions;
  • knowledge in physics and chemistry.

Personal qualities

  • physical endurance, good eyesight;
  • dexterity, flexibility of movements of legs, arms, whole body;
  • patience;
  • diligence;
  • perseverance.

Pros of the profession

  • high demand in the labor market;
  • rather high salaries of experienced welders.

Cons of the profession

  • difficult working conditions (sometimes you have to work in extreme conditions, at high altitude or under the influence of various meteorological factors);
  • a large load on vision due to the high brightness of infrared and ultraviolet radiation, an electric arc (the appearance of an electrophthalmia disease);
  • the presence of other occupational diseases due to inhalation of industrial dust (silicosis, pneumoconiosis, bronchial asthma).

Place of work

Almost all industries require welding, for example, in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, agriculture, and the oil refining industry.

The main places of work of welders:

  • construction sites;
  • auto repair shops;
  • industrial plants, factories;
  • organizations to provide means of communication.

Salary and career

In Russia, there is a shortage of technical specialists, so the salary of a first-class welder can exceed the income of a middle manager. Young specialists receive about 20,000 rubles, the salary of experienced workers of a high category (the highest category is the sixth, assigned to highly qualified specialists) on average from 30,000 to 45,000 rubles a month. But, as for other professions, the amount of the welder's salary depends on the place of work, experience, diligence and the desire to constantly improve their skills. So the lowest salary of specialists in the housing and communal sector, and the highest - in the oil and gas industry.

Usually college graduates do not have to look for a job for a long time. Welders without experience are accepted into private organizations in the service sector, housing and communal services. With the acquisition of experience, young specialists are already entrusted with more responsible affairs and work in industry, at construction sites.


Welding education can be obtained at vocational schools or colleges. Training lasts three years on the basis of grade 9 and 2 years on the basis of grade 11 in the specialties "welder of electric and gas welding works" and "adjuster of welding and gas plasma cutting equipment".

Currently, the profession of a welder is one of the most sought after in the construction industry. In conditions of shortage of working personnel, these specialists are in a special account, because welding work is required in almost every production, and there are very few young craftsmen. A welder is a working specialty and involves work in the welding industry. The specialist is engaged in the connection of metal structures, parts, products, containers and pipelines of various types, composition, purpose and level of complexity. The quality of work and welds depends on a professional welder. In his work, mistakes are not allowed that can lead to disastrous consequences.

History of the profession

All welders celebrate their holiday on the last Friday of May, on the eve of summer, when welding work is most intensive. This date has not been officially approved, but it already has a rather long history - it has been celebrated since the beginning of the 90s of the XX century. The very same profession of a welder appeared even earlier. The time of its occurrence can be considered 1802, when the Russian scientist Vasily Petrov discovered the effect of an electric arc, in which a high temperature is created between two carbon electrodes, allowing the metal to melt. Soon this discovery found practical application - this is how electric welding appeared.

How to get a profession

Do you want to become a welder? Then the first thing you need to do is find a way to get an appropriate education. The latter can be both secondary with subsequent training in courses, and secondary special. As a rule, professional colleges are engaged in the release of welders. Getting there won't be too difficult. In the course of studies in these institutions, you will acquire knowledge to the extent that will allow you to become a good welder.

A big role is played by how well you choose a place for your practice. Most often, beginners are taken as apprentices or assistants to more experienced masters. You should start looking for such a place during your studies.

Requirements for candidates

Required professional skills and knowledge:

  • knowledge of electrical engineering, metal melting technology;
  • knowledge of the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation;
  • knowledge of the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used;
  • knowledge of labor protection and safety instructions;
  • knowledge in physics and chemistry.

Personal qualities:

  • physical endurance, good eyesight;
  • dexterity, flexibility of movement of legs, arms, whole body;
  • patience;
  • diligence;
  • perseverance.

Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance.


The duties of a welder include:

  • manufacturing and production of quality products;
  • work according to the plan of technological preparation for the production of welding works;
  • planning of terms and volumes of work;
  • analysis of welding technology;
  • compliance with labor protection standards;
  • compliance with a strict welding regime;
  • drawing up orders for products, materials for further work;
  • maintaining all necessary documentation and accounting;
  • assistance in organizing work aimed at increasing the level of labor productivity;
  • possible participation in research work to improve technologies or methods of work.

Profession categories

Welder on contact (press) welding machines

Professional duties: welding on contact and point machines of products, assemblies, structures, pipelines and containers made of various steels, non-ferrous metals, alloys and non-metallic materials; friction welding of compound cutting tools.

Welder at diffusion-welding installations

Professional duties: welding on multi-chamber diffusion-welding installations of experimental, expensive, unique assemblies and parts made of metals and alloys in various combinations, subjected to special tests; welding in special furnaces of structures such as honeycomb panels with filler with an area of ​​more than 1.7 m²; performance of work on the saturation of metal materials with nitrogen in special equipment.

Welder at electron beam welding machines

Professional duties: electron-beam welding in vacuum of expensive components and parts made of special alloys; welding of complex assemblies and parts, welding of products with a limited degree of heating; welding of small-sized and miniature products; welding of products intended for operation under shock and vibration loads; maintenance of high-vacuum systems with automatic control or with a continuous production cycle; welding of metals and alloys in various combinations with metal thickness up to 0.8 mm; continuous monitoring of the pumping process according to instrument readings and control of the welding process; obtaining the optimal parameters of the electron beam and changing them in order to obtain the optimal cross section of the welds.

Thermite welder

Professional duties: thermite welding of parts of varying complexity; installation and alignment of the press, editing of surfaces to be welded, installation and coating of molds; stuffing of forms, excavation of models and drying of forms; preparation of a mixture for crucibles, their manufacture and firing; heating of the surfaces to be welded with a gasoline and a brazier; screening by hand or on a seeder and crushing on a crushing machine of thermite components, mixing them, packaging and stacking in portions; cutting of metal after welding; regulation of the ventilation unit; mechanism lubrication.

gas welder

Professional duties: gas welding of complex parts, mechanisms, structures and pipelines made of high-carbon, alloyed, special and corrosion-resistant steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, designed to work under dynamic and vibration loads and under high pressure; cutting metal with a cutter; surfacing with hard alloys of complex parts, assemblies, structures and mechanisms.

Electric and gas welder

Professional duties: manual arc, plasma and gas welding of especially complex devices, parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, designed to work under dynamic and vibration loads and under high pressure; cutting metal with a cutter; manual arc and gas-electric welding of building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, and structures of complex configuration; automatic welding of various structures from alloyed special steels, titanium and other alloys on automatic machines of a special design, multi-arc, multi-electrode automatic machines and automatic machines equipped with television, photoelectronic and other special devices, on automatic manipulators (robots); mechanized welding of apparatus, assemblies, pipeline structures, building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, when performing welds in the overhead position and on a vertical plane; welding of experimental structures from metals and alloys with limited weldability, as well as from titanium and titanium alloys; welding of complex structures in block design in all spatial positions of the weld.

Ranks of welders

The ranks of welders are determined by the professional qualities of a specialist and by his skill.

1st category - plastic welder. Welding of plastic bags and plastic parts. The master is obliged to prepare blanks, dismantle and assemble elements for cooking.

2nd category - master of thermite welding. The duties of this specialist include the ability to use manual arc and plasma welding, as well as understand simple drawings.

3rd category - welder of the main and simplest types of welding. They are masters in the field of arc and manual welding.

4th category - specialist in manual arc and plasma welding. He works with parts of medium complexity. The duties of a master of this category include manual oxygen cutting of complex products.

5th category - a worker for welding complex assemblies and parts. This specialist is able to cook various kinds of elements not only under pressure, but also under the action of an electron beam. He can handle the welding of vacuum joints.

6th category - a specialist with a wide profile. Can work with any kind of oil and gas pipelines. This is a master of all trades in everything related to welding of any complexity. The specialist of the 6th category is a professional of the highest class.


Due to the fact that there are very few young welders today, even yesterday's college graduates at large enterprises earn 500-600 USD. e. As for the more experienced workers of a high rank, their salary can reach up to 1,000 c.u. e. However, it should be noted that the level of wages directly depends on the place of work, and even for the execution of the same order, you can get different money.

The lowest salary for a welder is in the housing and communal sector, and the most generous is in the oil and gas industry.

Profession myths

The five most enduring myths about welding

In one form or another, welders have to deal with interesting questions about their profession. While the welding industry is constantly evolving, there are at least five enduring myths about welding.

Myth 1. "Welding is a low-paid profession."

This myth is based on the general belief that all working professions are low paid. This statement is at odds with reality. For example, a highly qualified welder earns from 80,000 tenge per month.

It is possible that this opinion became widespread as early as the 1990s, when, thanks to the development of computer technology, new “office” professions began to appear and the prestige of blue-collar jobs fell sharply. Now the reverse process is underway, since any economy is based on production, and the shortage of working specialties negatively affects its development.

Myth 2. "A welder is a purely male profession."

The profession of a welder requires a lot of manual labor and is generally regarded as a purely male job. Approximately 4% of welders are women, and this figure is increasing every year. More and more women are finding welding as a form of entertainment or hobby. They annually win prizes at art welding competitions.

Myth 3. “Insufficient number of jobs or, conversely, there are no free niches in this profession.”

Such conflicting opinions are due to the fact that it is difficult to measure the need for welders in any specific numbers. This is due, firstly, to the uneven distribution of industry, that is, there is demand in some regions, but not in others. Secondly, employers often look for a welder with a certain specificity (argon arc welding, semi-automatic welding, pipeline welding, plastic pipe welding, etc.), and some, after completing their training, get a job immediately, while others cannot find anything.

Myth 4. "A welder is a monotonous profession."

To a person who is remotely familiar with welding, it seems that these are just sparks, splashes of metal and nothing more. In fact, a good welder must know materials science, the basics of physics and electricity, and understand the processes that occur in metal under the influence of heat and pressure. In addition, there are completely different welding methods (explosion welding, underwater welding, robotic welding) that require a completely different approach.

Myth 5. "This is a profession in which there is no career growth."

By improving your skills and having the appropriate certificates, you can achieve a lot. The more experience you have and the more responsible work you perform, the higher you are valued in the labor market. Having the highest rank, there is a high prospect of moving to a managerial position or getting a job in the field of quality control of welds (but additional study will be required).

Pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession:

  • high demand in the labor market;
  • rather high salaries of experienced welders.

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • difficult working conditions (sometimes you have to work in extreme conditions, at high altitude or under the influence of various meteorological factors);
  • a large load on vision due to the high brightness of infrared and ultraviolet radiation, an electric arc (the appearance of an electrophthalmia disease);
  • the presence of other occupational diseases due to inhalation of industrial dust (silicosis, pneumoconiosis, bronchial asthma).


Medical contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system (sciatica, osteochondrosis);
  • mental ailments and disorders of the nervous system;
  • irritability;
  • allergic diseases;
  • severe visual and hearing impairments.


Career development:

  • 1st step- receiving vocational education;
  • 2nd step- acquisition of professional experience;
  • 3rd step- training;
  • 4th step- higher education.

Career Opportunities:

  • foreman;
  • technician;
  • engineer;
  • department head;
  • head of the enterprise;
  • researcher, designer, designer.

Interesting Welding Facts

It would seem that what could be curious in such a completely earthly and mundane process as metal welding? And yet, you will be surprised to learn how many interesting facts there are about metals, alloys and welding.

  • For example, did you know that the highest welding temperature is 5000 °C? Such monstrous heating is necessary for melting steels with a high level of heat resistance.
  • We are used to seeing welders on construction sites and thinking of welding as a rough process. However, there is also a way to create seams using ultrasound, electron beam, friction, gas flame, laser radiation and electric arc.
  • Welding is necessary both in everyday life and in such complex work as the creation of spacecraft to launch satellites, ships, probes and other objects both into orbit and to distant stars. To make all this possible, special welding methods are used. For example, it is known that non-oxidized metals and alloys in outer space begin to stick together.
  • Welding is a long and painstaking task. An example of this is the colossal statue of the Motherland in Kyiv, which took more than 30 kilometers of welds to create. The total weight of the statue is 450 tons, consisting entirely of welded metal!
  • Today in Russia there is a statue dedicated to the welder, and this is not surprising, given that the first welding workshop appeared in Perm as early as 1883. In those distant times, an electric arc and a consumable electrode were already used to work on connecting or disconnecting two metal plates.
  • Speaking of colossal welded structures, one cannot fail to mention the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. This metal monster, as the Parisians themselves spoke unflatteringly about it in 1889, consists of 18038 parts from magnificent wrought iron and weighs 9441 tons. The height of the tower is 324 meters, so at the time of its installation, the Eiffel Tower was rightfully considered the tallest building in the world.
  • Speaking of iron, it is worth noting that this is one of the most common elements not only on Earth, but also in the Universe. For comparison, more iron is mined on the planet every year than gold has been mined in the entire history of mankind. Aluminum is the most widely used metal in soil.
  • Another curious fact, not only from the point of view of working with metals, but also from the point of view of medicine, is that in no case should you look at welding. Probably, everyone in childhood heard warnings from adults: “Do not look at welding, otherwise you will go blind.” And indeed it is. However, damage to the eyes is not caused by visible light or sparks, but by ultraviolet rays. They have a devastating effect on the retina. So if you look at welding for a long time, you can really get burned and partially or even completely lose your sight. Therefore, for safety reasons, never look at the welding process unless your eyes are protected by a special construction mask screen!

Notable welders

Benardos Nikolai Nikolaevich (1842-1905)- Russian inventor, one of the creators of electric arc welding of metals.

Slavyanov Nikolai Gavrilovich (1854-1897)- Inventor of electric arc welding of metals.

Borchaninov Luka Ivanovich (1837-1905)- a worker, one of the first welders in Russia, worked under the guidance of Slavyanov.

Paton Boris Evgenievich (born in 1918)- Soviet scientist in the field of metallurgy and welding. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

Kubasov Valery Nikolaevich (born in 1935)- Soviet cosmonaut, the first in the world to conduct welding work in space.

Erich Honecker (1912-1994)- Head of the German Democratic Republic (1971-1989), General Secretary of the SED and Chairman of the State Council of the GDR, worked as a welder in 1930 at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

Profession welder

The modern world is completely based on metal. Without it, it is impossible to build tall buildings, cars, ships. Metal is used everywhere: in everyday life, in industry, in construction. Therefore, a metal specialist connecting metal parts into complex structures using electric welding will always be needed. A welder is a responsible, almost virtuoso profession, on the quality of which many things depend - the durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment.

The time of the emergence of the profession of a welder can be considered 1802, when V. Petrov discovered the effect of an electric arc, when it occurs between two carbon electrodes, a high temperature is created. This temperature is so high that it allows metals to be melted. From the moment of this discovery to its industrial application, a considerable period of time has passed. But decades later, the method of joining metals with an electric arc method revolutionized various industries, construction and became a mass technology for joining materials.…

Welding is used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and other areas, such as energy, oil refining, agriculture. It is difficult to name such a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

A welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: a manual arc welder, a gas welder, an operator of automatic welding machines. Workers of all these specialties are engaged in one thing - the connection of metal structures, complex apparatuses, parts, assemblies by the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes, negligence made in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It's scary to think what poor-quality work on welding oil or gas pipelines could lead to. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, the technology of melting metals, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance.

The advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young professionals who have just graduated from college will not have to look for work for a long time - she finds them herself. Welders without experience are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, into private organizations in the service sector. With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more responsible affairs and work in industry, at construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases.
The disadvantages of the profession are difficult working conditions, work on open construction sites in any weather, a large load on vision due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the high hazard of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding.

You can learn the profession of a welder in vocational schools and colleges. Training is carried out for 3 years on the basis of 9 classes and 2 years on the basis of 11 classes in the specialties "welder of electric welding and gas welding works" and "adjuster of welding and gas plasma cutting equipment".